Cvikota EMS - Emergency Medical Services Billing

Cleveland first responders at lower risk of contracting COVID-19 with PPE use, MetroHealth study finds

PPE equipment for First Responders

The seven-week study surveilled 300 first responders from Cleveland EMS and fire services.

CLEVELAND — A new study out from The MetroHealth System shows that masks and personal protective equipment appears to be highly effective at lowering the risk of contracting COVID-19 in first responders from Cleveland.

Over a seven-week period, MetroHealth researchers Yasir Tarabichi, MD, and Adam Perzynski, Ph.D. surveilled 300 Cleveland EMS medics and fire services. 

Results from the study showed that while about 70% of first responders had contact with patients who had COVID-19, only around 5% tested positive for the virus, according to MetroHealth. Of those that tested positive, half reported being asymptomatic and only one needed to seek healthcare for their symptoms.

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