Cvikota EMS - Emergency Medical Services Billing

Provider-friendly surprise billing fix, more funds for hospitals in year-end spending bill

Provider Friendly Billing FixIf passed, the massive package includes another round of direct payments to individuals, loans for small businesses and enhanced unemployment benefits. It doesn't include liability protections for businesses, an initial sticking point for the deal and something the hospital industry and Republicans wanted. 

On the healthcare side, the legislation includes $22 billion for the health-related expenses of state and local governments, additional funding to boost the $175 billion provider relief fund, help distribute vaccines and establish a national COVID-19 testing and contact tracing system, according to Pelosi and Schumer.

It also includes a bipartisan fix banning surprise billing, something Washington has deliberated for the past two years but failed to take concrete action on amid fierce industry lobbying for their preferred fixes.

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